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The parasite normally makes its way into its unsuspecting victim via drinking or recreational water that has been contaminated with oocysts, which are extremely resistant to environmental stresses. These oocysts are excreted in the feces of an already infected individual. Once ingested, sporulated oocysts release motile sporozoites through an opening in the oocyst wall. These sporozoites then attach to intestinal epithelial cells via rhoptries and micronemes found at the apical end of the sporozoite (stage 1 in the accompanying diagram). Once attached to the host cell the sporozoite does not invade it, however the parasite stimulates the fusion of microvilli so that it becomes surrounded by a membrane of host origin.
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Life Cycle of Cryptosporidium hominis |
This short generation time is of great importance to the parasite as it does not appear to make any attempt to evade the host’s immune system. As odd as it may seem, being detected by the host could possibly be this parasite’s means of survival. In fact, if this parasite were not eliminated (shedding of oocysts) from the host in a relatively short amount of time, it could kill its host through dehydration and electrolyte imbalance, preventing oocysts from being released into the environment. So instead of hiding from the host immune system, Cryptosporidium evolved to have a rapid generation time and found a way to benefit from it. Once the immune system musters up enough strength to expel the parasite from the body, it has already formed oocysts ready to be taken up by another unsuspecting victim.
So you think to yourself, “Stay away from contaminated water and I’ll be fine. And besides, I’m not an immunocompromised person so this thing can’t hurt me anyhow.” Well…it might already be too late. A number of surveys have been conducted to gain some insight into the prevalence of the parasite in our environment. In industrialized nations, approximately 0.4% of the population appears to be passing oocysts in their feces at any one time. Also, of the patients admitted into hospitals for diarrhea, 2-3% of them are passing oocysts. However, the sero-prevalence is much higher as 30-35% of the United States population have antibodies to Cryptosporidium. In third world countries, the sero-prevalence is even higher as up to 60-70% of people in these countries have antibodies to this parasite. Because recent studies have suggested these antibodies tend to diminish over time, it is plausible that the majority adult humans have been infected with the Cryptosporidium at least one time during their lives.
In review, C. hominis causes severe bowel distress and can develop into a life-threatening disorder when combined with undernourishment, old-age, and/or a weakened immune system. Additionally, Cryptosporidium is a highly contagious parasite which is almost impossible to eradicate due to its resistance to some of the most commonly used detergents and water disinfectants such as chlorine. As a result, its oocysts frequently circumvent municipal water-purification measures on their way to infect new hosts such as you and me.
By A.S.
1. Clark DP, Sears CL (1996) The pathogenesis of cryptosporidiosis. Parasitology Today
2. Hoxie NJ, Davis JP, Vergeront JM, Nashold RD, Blair KA. Cryptosporidiosis-associated mortality following a massive waterborne outbreak in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Am J Public Health. 1997
3. MacKenzie, W.R. et al. 1995. Massive outbreak of waterborne Cryptosporidium infection in Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Recurrence of illness and risk of secondary transmission. Clin. Inf. Dis.
4. MacKenzie, W.R. et al. 1994. A massive outbreak in Milwaukee of Cryptosporidium infection transmitted through the public water supply. New England Journal of Medicine
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